Note on credit transfer:

To check the creditability of AIDAHO courses in your study program, you must either look this information up in your curriculum or contact the responsible study program coordination.

Courses in the AIDAHO program

Basic Modules

Tools for AI & Data Science: Introduction to Python, R & SQL

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Krupitzer

Prof. Dr. Jens Vogelgesang

Dr. Johannes Bleher

Tobias Schrimpf, M.A.

Jan Dvorak, M.A.

SS / WSEnglish
Introduction to Machine Learning in Python

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Krupitzer

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anthony Stein

Introduction to Data Science with R and RStudio

(more infos here)
Prof. Dr. Robert Jung
Prof. Dr. Thomas Dimpfl
Dr. Johannes Bleher
SS / WS English

Specializing Modules

Methodological In-Depth Lectures
Fundamentals of Supply Chain PlaningProf. Dr. Herbert MeyrSSGerman
Logistics 1Prof. Dr. Herbert MeyrSSGerman
Plant Genetic ResourcesProf. Dr. Karl SchmidSS
MicroeconometricsProf. Dr. Aderonke OsikominuSS
Statistical Learning

Prof. Dr. Robert Jung

Prof. Dr. Aderonke Osikominu

Einführung in die künstliche Intelligenz

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anthony Stein

Applied Time Series Analysis and Forecasting TechniquesProf. Dr. Robert Jung


CSH Machine Learning Reading ClubJun.-Prof. Dr. Anthony SteinWSEnglish
Experimental Systems BiologyProf. Dr. Waltraud SchulzeWS
Supply Chain ManagementProf. Dr. Herbert MeyrWSGerman
Population and Quantitative GeneticsProf. Dr. Karl SchmidWS
Advanced Policy Analysis ModelingDr. Arndt FeuerbacherWSGerman
Applied EconometricsProf. Dr. Christine WieckWSEnglish
Community and Evolutionary EcologyProf. Dr. Frank SchurrWS
Advanced Statistical Methods for Metric and Categorical Data IIProf. Dr. Hans-Peter PiephoWSEnglish
Quantitative Methods in BiosciencesProf. Dr. Hans-Peter PiephoWSEnglish
Quantitative Methods in EconomicsProf. Dr. Manfred ZellerWSEnglish
Environmental Modeling Prof. Dr. StreckWS
Time Series EconometricsProf. Dr. Robert JungSS2English
Intelligent Adaptive SystemsJun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Krupitzer--
Introduction to Social Network AnalysisProf. Dr. Jens Vogelgesang

M. A., Tobias Schrimpf
Economic Policy Analysis of the BioeconomyJun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska SchünemannSSEnglish
Modeling and Simulation of Action Potentials

Prof. Dr. Philipp Kugler

Dr. Evdokiia Slepukhina

Web-ScrapingProf. Dr. Jens VogelgesangSSEnglish

Introduction to Econometrics

Prof. Dr. Aderonke OsikominuSSGerman
Application Seminars
Masterseminar Data AnalyticsProf. Dr. Thomas DimpflSSEnglish
Profilseminar zur Ökonometrie

Prof. Dr. Robert Jung

Prof. Dr. Aderonke Osikominu

WS /


Supply Chain Planning & Advanced Planning Systems 2Prof. Dr. Herbert MeyrSSEnglish
Three-Dimensional Modeling of Plant Architecture and FunctionProf. Dr. Graeff- HönningerSSEnglish
Combining Ecological Models and DataDr. Jörn PagelSSEnglish
Spatial Data Analysis with GISProf. Dr. StreckSSEnglish
Artificial Intelligence for AgricultureJun.-Prof. Dr. Anthony SteinSSEnglish
Theses at the Department of Food InformaticsJun.-Prof. Dr. Christian KrupitzerWS / SSGerman / English
Applications in Food InformaticsJun.-Prof. Dr. Christian KrupitzerWS / SS
Information Systems & Supply ChainsProf. Dr. Herbert MeyrWS / SSGerman
Major Seminar Supply Chain PlanungProf. Dr. Herbert MeyrWS / SSGerman
Intelligent Robotics for AgricultureJun.-Prof. Dr. Anthony SteinWS
Image Analysis with Deep Learning

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anthony Stein

Dr. Zhangkai Wu

Logistics 2Prof. Dr. Herbert MeyrWSGerman
Supply Chain Planning & Advanced Planning Systems 1Prof. Dr. Herbert MeyrWS
Applied Agribusiness, Productivity & Trade AnalysisProf. Dr. Christine WieckWS
Project in Landscape Ecology and Methods in Landscape and Plant EcologyProf. Dr. Frank SchurrWS
Topics in MicroeconometricsProf. Dr. Aderonke OsikominuWSEnglish
Planung und Auswertung von Erhebungen und BefragungenProf. Dr. Hans-Peter PiephoWSGerman
Plant and Crop ModelingDr. rer. nat. Sebastian GaylerWSEnglish
Anlage, Durchführung und Auswertung landwirtschaftlicher VersucheProf. Dr. Hans-Peter PiephoSSGerman
Computational Ecology: Modelling Systems Across Scales Dr. Korinna AllhoffWSEnglish
Theoretical Ecology: From Chaos to CoexistenceDr. Korinna AllhoffSSEnglish
Information Technologies and Expert Systems in Plant ProtectionProf. Dr. Roland Gerhards--
Introduction to Financial Data ScienceProf. Dr. Thomas DimpflSSEnglish
Practical Introduction to Programming with PythonJun.-Prof. Dr. Christian KrupitzerWSEnglish

Industry 4.0 Technologies

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander SchaumSS


Applications in Data ScienceProf. Dr. Jens VogelgesangSSGerman
Applied Data Science LabProf. Dr. Thomas Dimpfl
Prof. Dr. Robert Jung
Prof. Dr. Osikominu
Seminararbeit mit den Hohenheimer GärtenDr. Helmut DalitzerWS / SSEnglish / German
Job Offerings on JobteaserWS / SSGerman / English
Würth-Hackathon (not offered in WS24/25)WSGerman / English

Planned Specializing Modules

The program for the specializing modules is still being developed. In coordination with lecturers from all faculties, we are working intensively on a diverse, interdisciplinary offering. Additional courses will be added here step by step.

In order to make the planned but not yet confirmed modules transparent, tentative module titles are included here:
